New year, new work.

Patch 1/12/22: Lots of work has been done to the game as we've entered the new year. It was definitely a challenge trying to add some new content while maintaining the core concept of the game,  but the changes are pretty sweet and help flesh the game out. There's still tons of work to be done, but all good things come in time! Listed below are the changes made to RAVER ][ in the latest patch.

- New Mutant Ambience tracks in C1L2 and C2L1.

- Modifications to the ADS system on both the M4 Pulse and Spas 12.

- New UI elements and death screen icons.

- Fixed the sound bug that plagued many of the doors.

- Vehicle health stats in C1L4 no longer display "00"'s randomly.

- Modified the weapons of the Sentinels and Battle-Cats.

- Fixed the visor eyes on the Nekro-Pony's helmet during the death sequence.

- Modified graphics in an effort to prevent the ugly screen pop.

- New fog effects.

- Removed Unity's startup options as it's redundant.

- Tweaked skyboxes in some levels.

- Textures and such have been adjusted.

- Changed the intro animation of C1L3 slight.

As of the 1/12/22 patch; RAVER ][: CARNAGE REMIXED is no longer supported on GameJolt. Those who have that link can still play the November 2021 patch, but all progress has been migrated and will continue to strive here on It brings a heavy weight to the studio's heart, but it's a change that was bound to come eventually...


RAVER ][ Patch 2022.rar 350 MB
Jan 12, 2022

Get RAVER ][: Carnage Remixed!

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